The HORIZONTAL MENOFUMO creates a smoke-free layer at floor level. In addition to being an effective smoke and heat exhaust system, it can be used daily as an indoor ventilation system.

Covering materials
The structure is composed of two frames, one openable and one fixed, in extruded natural 6060 aluminium alloy, joined together by means of aluminium hinges with stainless steel pins. There is an EPDM gasket between the two frames to ensure a perfect closing.
- Domes in compact PC polycarbonate/alveolar PCA
- Rib covering in polycarbonate
- Flatbed in alveolar PCA
- Sandwich panel

Opening Systems
The NSHES is opened by moving a pressurised CO2 powered cylinder, contained in a canister installed on the mechanism itself.

The opening pulse is controlled by the breakage of the HEAT-SENSITIVE VIAL calibrated at a preset temperature (68°/93°141°/182°), also installed on the mechanism, or a centralised pneumatic system, or by a PYROTECHNIC OR ELECTROMAGNETIC ACTUATOR controlled by a control unit. These actuators break the heat-sensitive vial upon receiving a pulse from the central control unit.
The HORIZONTAL MENOFUMO can be equipped with four different types of automatic opening devices:

Automatic device calibrated 68-93-141-182°C standard equipped with CO2 cylinder.

Automatic device calibrated at 68-93-141-182°C standard equipped with CO2 cylinder and non-resettable pyrotechnic actuator.

Automatic device calibrated at 68-93-141-182°C standard equipped with CO2 cylinder and non-resettable electromagnetic actuator.

Automatic device calibrated at 68-93-141-182°C standard equipped with CO2 cylinder and selector valve for connection to the pneumatic system.

On request, to meet high thermal performance requirements, HORIZONTAL MENOFUMO can be equipped with a skylight in alveolar polycarbonate PCA in opal or transparent colour, which contains and reduces the passage of heat, improving the thermal transmission of the skylight.

Thermal transmittance is the transmission of heat that occurs through a body when it is subject to a difference in temperature, therefore representing the thermal flow per surface area unit that passes through a technical element (skylight) which separates two environments where air temperature has a unit difference.
According to (Italian) Legislative Decree 311/06 and (Italian) Presidential Decree 59/09, Italy has been divided into 6 climate areas subject to different thermal transmission values, to reach greater energy efficiency.

The base is made from pressed sheet metal (galvanised – prepainted – stainless steel – printed RAL on request with a standard thickness of 12/10mm).
Its height can be customised according to the needs of the site and the lower lip support is made according to the type of covering to be adapted to. The base can be supplied as a single wall or insulated with a self-extinguishing polystyrene panel with a thickness of 4cm adapted to be sheathed, by the customer, or coupled to an external galvanised sheet of a thickness of 8/10mm to be connected to the covering. The thickness and type of insulation are also customisable aspects.

- Made to measure
- Adaptable to any covering
- Made in small/large sizes
- Insulation on request.

The electrowelded fall protection net can be installed above or below the base and comes with triple selvedge at the ends with horizontal and vertical wires, both linear, made from galvanised steel with a diameter of 2.0mm and 100x50mm mesh. This net is drop test certified (drop weight 50kg, drop height 1,200mm).
The electrowelded galvanised anti-intrusion net can be installed above or below the base and can be produced with round bar, 15mm in diameter and 180x500mm mesh.

Daily ventilation
Easy Air is an innovative opening system with a sole electric actuator and a double levering system.
This accessory allows the HORIZONTAL MENOFUMO to be used as a normal openable skylight

Inspection and maintenance
As provided for by the regulations in force, the HORIZONTAL MENOFUMO must be able to be inspected from the outside for ordinary maintenance. This operation must be performed with the removable release lever, designed by us, which prevents the exhaust system from being opened by unauthorised personnel.
Importante: la MANUTENZIONE deve essere effettuata come richiesto dalla normativa vigente UNI 9494 – 3.